Hey! You are here, you probably have an interest in startup or you wanna be an entrepreneur. 95% Startups Fail and this course will tell you secrets that will make every "startup never fails" - it's mission to make that happen one day. The author is mentoring startups by building "startup never fails" communities and writing ebooks.
India has 38815 startups and there is a secret that has made 100 startups become unicorns with a total valuation of $240 billion. This course will give you examples of many real situations that make any startup successful and attracts Investors for funding.
This course is from basic to medium level which will tell you the real foundation of any genuine startup. If you do not know "when" you should Pivot the Business Model, you keep working on all those ideas which are going to make you fail :)
There are secrets of investors why they do not like you?
Do you really want to make you fail? A Big No : ) Not exactly. Learn from others MISTAKES and do not repeat it. I will tell you the BASICS of Startups.
I will cover about those small things which matters to make you strong and sustain your startup that everybody would love. I have talked about stages of startup.
Every start goes from one stage to second and there is a Startup Life. Even you don't name it, you still has to go through it. Every stage has challenges and you have to face it, deal with it and solve it yourself. I have covered three chapters with video on those stages.
If you enrolled to this course, you will get the basics knowledge and my eBook to download along with LIVE "RECORDED" SESSION on Five Secrets of Investors what they want from you.