Recon in Cybersecurity


for Researchers and Bounty Hunters
What you'll learn:
Reconnaissance for Cybersecurity Research and Bug Bounty Hunting

To successfully complete the course, you need to have knowledge of computer networking, the penetration testing methodology, basics of cybersecurity, basic Linux skills, knowledge of Kali Linux/Parrot OS, knowledge of Python and Bash. If you are familiar with other very used modern programming and/or scripting languages, this is a plus. You are welcome to take the course even if you do not meet the criteria, provided that you can get yourself on track on-the-go.


Highly sought-after cybersecurity professionals are those able to demonstrate their skills immediately. Being practical weighs heavier than degrees/certifications because it all boils down to what you can do.

In this intermediate-level course, I am teaching you a very specific skill: recon in cybersecurity. You will be able to apply this skill in areas such as cybersecurity research, bug bounty hunting, and penetration testing.

The majority of course-materials you find online are tailored to beginners. This course is nothing like that. I don't show you how to set up an environment or how to install tools.

Time is the most important resource we have. Therefore, I cut through all of the non-sense and show you how I use my knowledge, skills, mine and other people's tools for security research and bug bounty hunting. You will learn:

  1. about my personal bug bounty hunting methodology
  2. why recon can open doors to multiple security threats
  3. how to find and choose good private or public programs to hack on

I'll also teach you:

  1. about my manual and automated recon tactics
  2. about the importance of coding in recon
  3. subdomain discovery and bruteforcing
  4. about bucket hunting, github recon and dorking
  5. how to analyze JS files
  6. and much more.

By the end of this course, you will be armed with powerful skills for your professional engagement

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